Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Final Phase...

I was going to call this the "Final Chapter" but I realized that the SNARK STORY has yet to begin!  So, I will call this the final phase.  Her   transformation was one of an "ugly duckling" to a "beautiful swan". 

The SNARK has a high degree of safety with a moderate degree of comfort and a very low cost...It doesn't get better than that!  She is a seaworthy vessel that my sister can be proud of!

The End is Near...

I can't beleive how well this is coming together!  A little bit of tape should protect the new sails from tears!

Here is the centerboard in place after the repairs

and the rudder and tiller already mounted and ready to go!!!

The boat is done! All there is left to do is to glue the band all around the hull. I show how it is separated. It was removed and washed inside and out and now is as white as snow!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

After the Rainstorm...

Well, the rain stopped so I am back at work. Here I show the repair to the centerboard exit at the bottom of the hull. It needed some epoxy gluing. The vise is there to put pressure to the two parts being glued.

Next is the finished rudder with the tiller attached and ready to go. This is the “original” set up for this boat so I did some patching and painting. Notice the pin secured by a string so that it will not get lost in case of capsizing….Ooppps! That is not going to happen, is it?

Alleluia, the new sail has arrived. This is right after I unpacked it. That was fast…Tuesday am web order, Thursday noon delivery!

            I will mount it to the spars tomorrow and put the sail up!
                           I am beat.... Good night!

It's starting to look like a boat...

Some of the more important parts are completed.  The mast step is secured in place with the new cleat.  Notice the screws properly countersunk to prevent any scratching of young tails that may want to "illegally sit on it! 

It needs a sign...


An ingenious idea for the new corks that cover the drain holes on the hull sides.  They are actually Houdini bottle stoppers...yellow for the Port (needs some red paint) and green for Starboard. 

Here are shots of the “old sail”. A bit worn out and dirty but still functional… Notice the “Sunflower” insignia.  I am sure that my sis will do something creative with the old sail so I will save it for her!

Yes, my mate brought me “lunch”…left over mini pizzas from a recent PiZZA's on the Grill party... but I had to get my own beer… 
But my work was interrupted by RAIN! Yes, thunderstorms and mucho rain. Have to go back to my “inside shop” and see what can I accomplish…

The Office...

This is my office for the next week or so...

Notice I always have my lifesaver near by in case of emergencies....,the cooler with my RUM and COKE!

So far, $175.00 for the boat, $25.00 for GAS, $94.00 for the sail and shipping, $34.00 for the well cap, around $40.00 for paint and parts and $250.00 for RUM and COKE!!!.  Sis, you should have bought a new one for $999.00!!! Plus shipping and tax of course...

There is the rusty “eye bolt” that, with a short painter (line), will keep it attached to the dock.

The bucket is full of chorine and water to wash the parts…

 The repairs continue...


This is what I call the “cork hole”. There is one in each rail and suppose to remove the cork when storing the boat upside down so it can drain… Next are the new inside and outside stern blocks where the gudgeon attaches to it. The cleaned pintle shows on the outside block. This was after a “muriatic acid” wash that almost left me blind...hope my little sis appreciates this!

To the right of that is the painted gudgeon, the cleaned pintle and the nice “L” shaped pin that holds them together. Notice the thin nylon line on the pin that will keep it attached to the rudder in case the boat capsizes…SHIT!

I sent the SNARK OWNERS MANUAL to my sister for recreational reading.  SNARK does offer a good selection of YouTube movies on sailing small craft, a sailing manual and then of course a parts catalogue. 

Repairing the parts...

I repaired the rudder with wood filler and moved the gudgeon and pintle to the original position because the former owner had rigged it up long wise.  Hope to have enough rudder authority?  I know you are wondering what the hell does that mean...the author is to!  To explain at a later date over appetizers and drinks!

Here are the “new parts” that I made out of ½ plywood. The center board was the original. On the right, notice the mast step with a new cleat to attach the halyard. West Marine =$1.59!!!

This was the hardest (so far) item. Notice where I glued new dowels in the old holes with epoxy so that I can secure the mast step to the sides of the boat with bronze screws. The old bolts were rusted off and broke very easily. So much for buying a “used boat”. The mast step will be attached here next, with the new cleat as shown earlier…

So far, the cost has been negligible, but the RUM and COKE...not so!  This is my second or third!

Getting my hands dirty...

The Sunflower was barely was up on sawhorses before she got the bath of her life!  I am sorry that I did not take a picture of her before hand becuase she was filthy.  After a bath of chlorine and soap...I was able to analyze the damage.

Looks like a little work and a lot of fun!

the underside of the center board exit hole which is in need of repair

the stern without the old, rotten plate…

Notice the nice “long” paddle that I got with the boat!